
Use the inquiry form or call us on the telephone number shown below for any queries about KAMAWANU.

Click here for any inquiries, including queries about our products, original design Tenugui and trading with us.

  • *We will respond to your queries within about five business days. If we fail to respond, please contact us again.
  • *Please note that it might take longer to respond if the response period goes over a weekend, public holidays or New Year holiday period.
  • *Telephone inquiries are accepted from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays.

Customer contact

Use this contact for general customer queries on products and to place an order for personalized / custom-made Tenugui.

Wholesale contact

To inquire about our wholesale trading information, please visit and kindly fill out the following inquiry form. Please note that, by clicking the below link, you will be transferred to the website of our partner distributor, IFJ Tradings.